Source code for ocp_resources.deployment

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ocp_resources.constants import PROTOCOL_ERROR_EXCEPTION_DICT, TIMEOUT_4MINUTES
from ocp_resources.resource import NamespacedResource
from ocp_resources.utils import TimeoutSampler, TimeoutWatch

[docs]class Deployment(NamespacedResource): """ OpenShift Deployment object. """ api_group = NamespacedResource.ApiGroup.APPS
[docs] def scale_replicas(self, replica_count=int): """ Update replicas in deployment. Args: replica_count (int): Number of replicas. Returns: Deployment is updated successfully """ super().to_dict() self.res.update({"spec": {"replicas": replica_count}})"Set deployment replicas: {replica_count}") return self.update(resource_dict=self.res)
[docs] def wait_for_replicas(self, deployed=True, timeout=TIMEOUT_4MINUTES): """ Wait until all replicas are updated. Args: deployed (bool): True for replicas deployed, False for no replicas. timeout (int): Time to wait for the deployment. Raises: TimeoutExpiredError: If not availableReplicas is equal to replicas. """"Wait for {self.kind} {} to be deployed: {deployed}") timeout_watcher = TimeoutWatch(timeout=timeout) for sample in TimeoutSampler( wait_timeout=timeout, sleep=1, func=lambda: self.exists, ): if sample: break samples = TimeoutSampler( wait_timeout=timeout_watcher.remaining_time(), sleep=1, exceptions_dict=PROTOCOL_ERROR_EXCEPTION_DICT, func=lambda: self.instance, ) for sample in samples: if sample: status = sample.status spec_replicas = sample.spec.replicas total_replicas = status.replicas or 0 updated_replicas = status.updatedReplicas or 0 available_replicas = status.availableReplicas or 0 ready_replicas = status.readyReplicas or 0 if ( (deployed and spec_replicas) and spec_replicas == updated_replicas == available_replicas == ready_replicas ) or not (deployed or spec_replicas or total_replicas): return