Source code for ocp_resources.virtual_machine_instance

import shlex

import xmltodict
from kubernetes.dynamic.exceptions import ResourceNotFoundError

from ocp_resources.constants import PROTOCOL_ERROR_EXCEPTION_DICT, TIMEOUT_4MINUTES
from ocp_resources.node import Node
from ocp_resources.pod import Pod
from ocp_resources.resource import NamespacedResource
from ocp_resources.utils import TimeoutExpiredError, TimeoutSampler

[docs]class VirtualMachineInstance(NamespacedResource): """ Virtual Machine Instance object, inherited from Resource. """ api_group = NamespacedResource.ApiGroup.KUBEVIRT_IO
[docs] class Status(NamespacedResource.Status): SCHEDULING = "Scheduling"
def __init__( self, name=None, namespace=None, client=None, privileged_client=None, yaml_file=None, delete_timeout=TIMEOUT_4MINUTES, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( name=name, namespace=namespace, client=client, privileged_client=privileged_client, yaml_file=yaml_file, delete_timeout=delete_timeout, **kwargs, ) @property def _subresource_api_url(self): return ( f"{}/" f"apis/{self.api.api_version}/" f"namespaces/{self.namespace}/virtualmachineinstances/{}" )
[docs] def api_request(self, method, action, **params): return super().api_request( method=method, action=action, url=self._subresource_api_url, **params )
[docs] def pause(self, timeout=TIMEOUT_4MINUTES, wait=False): self.api_request(method="PUT", action="pause") if wait: return self.wait_for_pause_status(pause=True, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def unpause(self, timeout=TIMEOUT_4MINUTES, wait=False): self.api_request(method="PUT", action="unpause") if wait: return self.wait_for_pause_status(pause=False, timeout=timeout)
@property def interfaces(self): return self.instance.status.interfaces @property def virt_launcher_pod(self): pods = list( Pod.get( dyn_client=self.privileged_client or self.client, namespace=self.namespace, label_selector=f",{self.instance.metadata.uid}", ) ) migration_state = self.instance.status.migrationState if migration_state: # After VM migration there are two pods, one in Completed status and one in Running status. # We need to return the Pod that is not in Completed status. for pod in pods: if migration_state.targetPod == return pod else: return pods[0] raise ResourceNotFoundError( f"VIRT launcher POD not found for {self.kind}:{}" ) @property def virt_handler_pod(self): pods = list( Pod.get( dyn_client=self.privileged_client or self.client, label_selector="", ) ) for pod in pods: if pod.instance["spec"]["nodeName"] == self.instance.status.nodeName: return pod raise ResourceNotFoundError
[docs] def wait_until_running(self, timeout=TIMEOUT_4MINUTES, logs=True, stop_status=None): """ Wait until VMI is running Args: timeout (int): Time to wait for VMI. logs (bool): True to extract logs from the VMI pod and from the VMI. stop_status (str): Status which should stop the wait and failed. Raises: TimeoutExpiredError: If VMI failed to run. """ try: self.wait_for_status( status=self.Status.RUNNING, timeout=timeout, stop_status=stop_status ) except TimeoutExpiredError as sampler_ex: if not logs: raise try: virt_pod = self.virt_launcher_pod self.logger.error( f"Status of virt-launcher pod {}: {virt_pod.status}" ) self.logger.debug(f"{} *****LOGS*****") self.logger.debug(virt_pod.log(container="compute")) except ResourceNotFoundError as virt_pod_ex: self.logger.error(virt_pod_ex) raise sampler_ex raise
[docs] def wait_for_pause_status(self, pause, timeout=TIMEOUT_4MINUTES): """ Wait for Virtual Machine Instance to be paused / unpaused. Paused status is checked in libvirt and in the VMI conditions. Args: pause (bool): True for paused, False for unpause timeout (int): Time to wait for the resource. Raises: TimeoutExpiredError: If resource not exists. """ f"Wait until {self.kind} {} is {'Paused' if pause else 'Unpuased'}" ) self.wait_for_domstate_pause_status(pause=pause, timeout=timeout) self.wait_for_vmi_condition_pause_status(pause=pause, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def wait_for_domstate_pause_status(self, pause, timeout=TIMEOUT_4MINUTES): pause_status = "paused" if pause else "running" samples = TimeoutSampler( wait_timeout=timeout, sleep=1, exceptions_dict=PROTOCOL_ERROR_EXCEPTION_DICT, func=self.get_domstate, ) for sample in samples: if pause_status in sample: return
[docs] def wait_for_vmi_condition_pause_status(self, pause, timeout=TIMEOUT_4MINUTES): samples = TimeoutSampler( wait_timeout=timeout, sleep=1, exceptions_dict=PROTOCOL_ERROR_EXCEPTION_DICT, func=self.get_vmi_active_condition, ) for sample in samples: # VM in state change # We have commanded a [un]pause condition via the API but the CR has not been updated yet to match. # 'reason' may not exist yet # or # 'reason' may still exist after unpause if the CR has not been updated before we perform this check if (pause and not sample.get("reason")) or ( sample.get("reason") == "PausedByUser" and not pause ): continue # Paused VM if pause and sample["reason"] == "PausedByUser": return # Unpaused VM if not (pause and sample.get("reason")): return
@property def node(self): """ Get the node name where the VM is running Returns: Node: Node """ return Node( client=self.privileged_client or self.client, name=self.instance.status.nodeName, )
[docs] def virsh_cmd(self, action): return shlex.split( "virsh" f" {self.virt_launcher_pod_hypervisor_connection_uri} {action} {self.namespace}_{}" )
[docs] def get_xml(self): """ Get virtual machine instance XML Returns: xml_output(string): VMI XML in the multi-line string """ return self.execute_virsh_command(command="dumpxml")
@property def virt_launcher_pod_user_uid(self): """ Get Virt Launcher Pod User UID value Returns: Int: Virt Launcher Pod UID value """ return self.virt_launcher_pod.instance.spec.securityContext.runAsUser @property def is_virt_launcher_pod_root(self): """ Check if Virt Launcher Pod is Root Returns: Bool: True if Virt Launcher Pod is Root. """ return not bool(self.virt_launcher_pod_user_uid) @property def virt_launcher_pod_hypervisor_connection_uri(self): """ Get Virt Launcher Pod Hypervisor Connection URI Required to connect to Hypervisor for Non-Root Virt-Launcher Pod. Returns: String: Hypervisor Connection URI """ if self.is_virt_launcher_pod_root: hypervisor_connection_uri = "" else: virtqemud_socket = "virtqemud" socket = ( virtqemud_socket if virtqemud_socket in self.virt_launcher_pod.execute( command=["ls", "/var/run/libvirt/"], container="compute" ) else "libvirt" ) hypervisor_connection_uri = ( f"-c qemu+unix:///session?socket=/var/run/libvirt/{socket}-sock" ) return hypervisor_connection_uri
[docs] def get_domstate(self): """ Get virtual machine instance Status. Current workaround, as VM/VMI shows no status/phase == Paused yet. Bug: Returns: String: VMI Status as string """ return self.execute_virsh_command(command="domstate")
[docs] def get_dommemstat(self): """ Get virtual machine domain memory stats link: Returns: String: VMI domain memory stats as string """ return self.execute_virsh_command(command="dommemstat")
[docs] def get_vmi_active_condition(self): """A VMI may have multiple conditions; the active one it the one with 'lastTransitionTime'""" return { k: v for condition in self.instance.status.conditions for k, v in condition.items() if condition["lastTransitionTime"] }
@property def xml_dict(self): """Get virtual machine instance XML as dict""" return xmltodict.parse(xml_input=self.get_xml(), process_namespaces=True) @property def guest_os_info(self): return self.api_request(method="GET", action="guestosinfo") @property def guest_fs_info(self): return self.api_request(method="GET", action="filesystemlist") @property def guest_user_info(self): return self.api_request(method="GET", action="userlist") @property def os_version(self): vmi_os_version = self.instance.status.guestOSInfo.get("version", {}) if not vmi_os_version: self.logger.warning( "Guest agent is not installed on the VM; OS version is not available." ) return vmi_os_version
[docs] def interface_ip(self, interface): iface_ip = [ iface["ipAddress"] for iface in self.interfaces if iface["interfaceName"] == interface ] return iface_ip[0] if iface_ip else None
[docs] def execute_virsh_command(self, command): return self.virt_launcher_pod.execute( command=self.virsh_cmd(action=command), container="compute", )